⚜️Commission TOS⚜️

By ordering you are accepting my Term of Service. These are my policies and must be agreed to by the Client before any commission will be accepted. Please read this TOS carefully. Breaking any Terms of Service will results in the commission being cancelled and no refund issued.Ordering and Artistic License: Please have descriptions and reference ready to go when commissioning me. You can include a description how you want the character drawn (pose, expression, etc.) or leave it to artistic liberty. Please note, that colors and styles will be left to my artistic license unless stated ahead of time (for example if you want the character to be "on model" with your character reference).Payment & Refunds: You have options of paying the full amount up front, half up front/half up completion, or a payment plan. Your commission will not started until I receive at least 50% of the final price. If I feel I cannot do commission a refund may be issued if you have paid. If you cancel the order, you will only get 50% of the payment back. If I have completed the work and you cancel, no refund will be issued. Please be sure on what you want before commissioning me!Revisions: You are allowed a certain number of revisions. Revisions that are major should occur at the sketch stage where I am able to fix it. I can make a few minor revisions to already completed Artwork but anything major that requires a redraw cannot be done. After a certain number of revisions, I may require a fee.Artist's Right to Refuse Service: I have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason within the law. If I am uncomfortable with the subject matter I have the right to refuse the commission request. If you are rude, demanding, threatening, or harassing me, your commission may be cancelled and no refund will be issued. You will be blacklisted and refused service for future commissions. If there is an issue, please contact me and be civil.Artist Right to Create Similar Works: Client recognizes and acknowledges that the art work is one of several artworks created by artist embodying a similar concept and artistic styles, and Client agrees that Artist shall retain all right to create and assign or license to other clients new artworks which may be considered "substantially similar" to or "derivative works" of the Artwork.Abandoned Artwork: Cancelled commissions that have had work already done or lost contact with the client may be edited and resold. In the case of lost contact, I will hold the Artwork and try my best to get in contact with you. If after 2 months of no contact, then the artwork will be edited and resold. Please keep your contact information up to date!